It’s My Life! Why Won’t My Parents Butt Out?

Should parents ever give advice to their adult children without being asked? When one does stop parenting? How do you let go of the art of parenting your adult children?

The relationship between parents and adult children can be like a minefield. Parents will always be parents. No matter how old you are, they will still see you as the brat that they had to discipline or tell what to do and how to behave when you were out in public. Parents will always find ways or at least they try to find ways to make their children follow these parental directives probably until they’ll die.

When you are younger, your parents set a lot of limits for you as a child. So when they are supposed to stop seeing you as a child? Do they assume that because you are now legal (like 18+)  you have somehow become this fountain of wisdom who is enlightened enough to make their own decision? Or should they ignore the wisdom of their own age and never give advice to their adult children about anything?

If your parents do insist on giving you council, how upset are they going to be if you as an adult decide not to follow their directive? Would you as an adult child feel infantilized?

Join our conversation about parenting adult kids and dealing with your parents when you are older or an adult.

Do you have any advice? Come be our guest on our next episode on this topic. Contact us here

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